Chakra Study

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The essential toolkit to understanding your energy body. Gain a better understanding of your emotional health, mental blocks and physicality with this in-depth 9-month guided program. Combining lecture, and experiential practice (yoga, meditation, crystals, essential oils), we’ll dive deeper into the chakra system. Explore more of you with lots of time for integration between modules

This course includes:

  • A monthly 1.5 hour workshop of study and practice.

  • Two 45 minute one-on-one sessions with Michelle for initial energy assessment and mid-session check in.

  • Our practice includes forms of yoga from the various limbs - Hatha, Kundalini, Yoga Nidra, Restorative, as well as Meditations and Energy Healing techniques.

  • Accompanying meditations and workbook provide for further individual self study, inquiry and healing.

  • Never miss a class - all classes recorded and may be downloaded.

  • You have access to the member site for 1 full year

  • Live Class Dates below…


the journey


2024 DAtes

February 28 - AWAKEN - Welcome & Tuning in May 29 - NAVEL Manipura Chakra August 28 - THROAT Visuddha Chakra
March 27 - ROOT Muladhara Chakra June 26 - HEART Anahata Chakra September 25 - BROW Ajna Chakra
April 24 - SACRAL Svadisthana Chakra July 31 - INTEGRATE October 30 - CROWN Sahasrara Chakra

module one: awaken


Week 1
Complete your energy assessment summarizing your physical ailments along with the corresponding body part & emotional issues. As a meditative exercise, color and jot down notes of which energy centres are calling to you and require your attention.

Chakra Study Companion Guide - AWAKEN
Spotify Playlist Awaken

Your Chakras

Chakra Assessment

Week 2
A short article on understanding the chakras and why we choose to work with them.. We'll explore the details of each energy centre as we move through the modules month by month.
Understanding the Chakras

Week 3
Understanding the Endocrine System influences
Chakras - a focus on the Endocrine system

Week 4
This article cuts through many of the new age ideals about the Chakras and takes us back to the primary old truths about their predominant role in discovering our knowledge and truth through traditional yogic practice.

Opening the Chakras - New Myths & Old Truths

Week 5
This 10 minute exercise provides an opportunity to tune into your body and energy system and notice which chakra calls out to you the most. It may or may not be one that stood out to you in your assessment. Simply be open, listen… remember these chakras are aspects of consciousness. What wisdom is being revealed to you today? Take a moment to write down your experience.


module two: root


Week 1
Your companion guide keeping you on track with weekly planning, contemplation and support
Chakra Study Companion Guide: Root
Spotify Playlist Root Chakra

A short article providing a glimpse into the different aspects of ROOT chakra - body, mind, spirit, consciousness
Understanding Root Muldahara Chakra

Deep Roots - words of inspiration

Week 2
Pick an affirmation that resonates with you, or come up with your own - bring this into your practice and note it on your ‘coloring’ exercise.
Affirmations to Connect with the Root Chakra

Practice this grounding exercise daily. Weave it into your morning routine to start your day, or midday when you need to re-centre.

Week 3
Explore essential oils and crystals that resonate with this base energy centre. These are wonderful vibratory tools that can enhance your practice and open gateways to a higher dimension
Root Chakra Essential Oils
Root Chakra Crystals

Week 4
Round out your exploration of the Root Chakra with this 15 minute lecture and meditation. In the final weeks take some time to blend the tools provided to create your own unique practice leveraging affirmations, crystals and oils!


Week 5

Using the Reflection and Self Study sheets, capture the practices and tools (affirmations, crystals, essential oils), that resonate with you the most for each energy centre - it’s the perfect way to design your very own unique practice.

*An alternate printable version of the Reflection & Self Study sheets (no image)

How to Balance Your Root Chakra - at a Glance

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How to Balance Your Root Chakra

Eat root vegetables & red fruits

Chant “Lam” Bija mantra: “Lam” is a one-syllable sound known as a Bija or "seed," mantra. Its vibration is believed to activate the Muladhara energy centre.

Meditate with crystals (red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, black tourmaline): You can also wear them, place them centred on your root chakra, or take a bath with them nearby.

Repeat affirmations: I like to say affirmations in the mirror, journal with them, and repeat them while holding asanas.

Journal to discover your true needs & aspirations: It’s important to identify and heal the root issues that may be causing imbalance.

Create a harmonious home environment: Our home is the space where we interface with the universe. It’s where we rest and rejuvenate. Cleaning, clearing clutter, and creating a space that feels nurturing are essential to our root chakra needs.

Practice asanas - both active and resting.

Connect with the earth: Walks in nature, gardening, meditating outside, and taking care of house plants are all wonderful




Week 1
Your companion guide keeping you on track with weekly planning, contemplation and support
Chakra Study Companion Guide: Sacral
Spotify Playlist Sacral

A short article providing a glimpse into the different aspects of SACRAL chakra - body, mind, spirit, consciousness
Understanding Sacral - Svadhisthana Chakra

Week 2
Pick an affirmation that resonates with you, or come up with your own - bring this into your practice and note it on your ‘coloring’ exercise.

Affirmations to Open the Sacral Chakra
Daily Alignment Exercise

Week 3
Explore essential oils and crystals that resonate with this sacral energy centre. These are wonderful vibratory tools that can enhance your practice and open gateways to a higher dimension
Sacral Chakra Essential Oils
Sacral Chakra Crystals

Round out your exploration of the Sacral Chakra with this 15 minute lecture and meditation. In this final week take some time to blend the tools provided to create your own unique practice leveraging affirmations, crystals and oils!

How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra - At a Glance

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How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

Working with the sacral chakra is a beautiful way to connect with your divine feminine energy✨. The Svadhisthana chakra is the second energy centre, located below the navel and above the pubic bone. This energy centre revolves around creativity, sexuality, and pleasure.

In Sanskrit, svadhisthana can be translated as “the dwelling place of the self.” This chakra is associated with the fluid element of water and the color orange. On a physical level, the sacral chakra is associated with our reproductive organs, kidneys, adrenals, bladder, and lower back.

When out of balance, we may have difficulty expressing our needs, emotions, and creativity. We may feel disconnected from pleasure and joy. We may have difficulty processing our emotions or feel stuck in our emotions. We may experience guilt, jealousy, relationship issues, and issues around money.

When in balance, we freely express ourselves creatively and sexually. We honor our body and flow through changes in life with ease. We experience joy and allow ourselves to play. We openly receive pleasure and abundance in an authentic way. We see and experience our inherent self-worth. We allow our emotions and process them in a healthy way.

We can bring the sacral chakra into balance in sooo many different ways but these are some possibilities. I personally love to combine mental, energetic, and embodied practices for powerful realignment.


module FOUR: NAVEL

Please use the Spotify Playlist Navel too accompany your practice.


Week 1
Your companion guide keeping you on track with weekly planning, contemplation and support
Chakra Study Companion Guide: Navel
Spotify Playlist Navel

A short article providing a glimpse into the different aspects of NAVEL - SOLAR PLEXUS chakra - body, mind, spirit, consciousness
Understanding the Navel Chakra

Week 2
Pick an affirmation that resonates with you, or come up with your own - bring this into your practice and note it on your ‘coloring’ exercise.
Start to weave in the Fire Meditation practice - once a week, or whenever it call to you.

Affirmations to Open the Navel Chakra
Fire Meditation

Week 3
Explore essential oils and crystals that resonate with this sacral energy centre. These are wonderful vibratory tools that can enhance your practice and open gateways to a higher dimension
Navel Chakra Essential Oils
Navel Chakra Crystals

Week 4
Here at week four take some time for overall reflection on the lower triangle energy centres - Root, Sacral and Navel. Using the Reflection and Self Study sheets, start to summarize the practices and tools (affirmations, crystals, essential oils), that resonated the most with you and start to build out your personal practice.

Week 5
Round out your exploration of the Navel Chakra with this 10 minute lecture and meditation. In this final week take some time to blend the tools provided to create your own unique practice leveraging affirmations, crystals and oils!

How to Balance Your Navel Chakra - at a Glance

How to Balance your Navel Chakra

The Manipura chakra is the third energy centre, located about four fingers above the navel. This energy centre revolves around willpower, self-esteem, and energy.

In Sanskrit, Manipura can be translated as “lustrous gem.” This chakra is associated with the transformational element of fire, the energy of the sun, and the color yellow. On a physical level, the solar plexus chakra is associated with our digestive system and diaphragm.

When out of balance, we may experience digestive system disorders, diabetes, and issues with the pancreas, liver, and colon. We may experience fatigue, low self-esteem, anger or control issues, a victim mentality, lack of direction, stagnation, and have difficulty making decisions.

When in balance, we are self-motivated, self-confident, and have a strong sense of purpose. We experience our innate worthiness and a sense of empowerment. We have a healthy immune system and smooth digestion.

There are so many different ways to bring the solar plexus chakra into balance, but these are some possibilities.

module FIVE: HEART


Week 1
Your companion guide keeping you on track with weekly planning, contemplation and support
Chakra Study Companion Guide: Heart
Spotify Playlist Heart

A short article providing a glimpse into the different aspects of HEART chakra - body, mind, spirit, consciousness
Understanding the Heart Chakra

Week 2
Pick an affirmation that resonates with you, or come up with your own - bring this into your practice and note it on your ‘coloring’ exercise.
Affirmations to Open the Heart Chakra

Mantra Meditation
Mantra meditation is an extremely powerful tool to lift and shift the energy and mindset. Start to weave in the ‘Har’ chant either 5 minutes daily or 11 minutes weekly. All mantras incorporating variations of the mantra HAR stimulate both the navel chakra and the heat chakra. Feel the “H” sound at your heart chakra. ‘Har’, ‘Hari’, ‘Haray’ are sounds that invoke the infinite in your heart.

The manta HAR HARAY HARI WAHE GURU means, ‘the infinite brings me into a state of ecstasy.’ WAHE GURU opens the heart. Each sound is enunciated clearly. Pump the navel with each sound and feel the ‘H’ at the heart
Chant Sheet

Week 3
Explore essential oils and crystals that resonate with this sacral energy centre. These are wonderful vibratory tools that can enhance your practice and open gateways to a higher dimension
Heart Chakra Essential Oils
Heart Chakra Crystals

Week 4
Here at week four take some time for overall reflection on the heart centre. Using the Reflection and Self Study sheets, update the practices and tools (affirmations, crystals, essential oils), that resonated with you the most. Take a glance back at your Chakra Assessment from the the first module to see what you checked off. What is still relevant? Any changes?

Week 5
Round out your exploration of the Heart Chakra with this 15 minute invitation to listen closely to your heart. In this final week take some time to blend the tools provided to create your own unique practice leveraging affirmations, crystals and oils!

Opening the Heart Chakra - At a Glance

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How to Open Your Heart Chakra

The Anahata is the fourth chakra that connects our lower three chakras, which relate to our physical connection to the earth, and our upper three chakras, which relate to our consciousness and immaterial aspects of nature. We can find harmony between our external and internal worlds within our heart centre

In Sanskrit, Anahata means “unstruck” or “unhurt.” This energy centre allows us to live from our heart, with boundless love for ourselves and others.

This chakra is associated with the air element and the color green. On a physical level, the Anahata chakra is associated with the heart, lungs, immune system, blood circulation and muscles of the upper body. It is related to the thymus gland which is a major supporter of our immune system.

When in balance, we have the ability to openly give and receive love. We have a healthy immune system. We may feel joyful, compassionate, understanding, empathetic, peaceful, and connected. The Anahata chakra can be over-active or under-active, both resulting in an imbalance.

We can balance the heart centre through many different avenues, these are just a handful of possibilities!



Week 1

This month set your own pace and re-explore the previous modules and practices. It’s a time for integration as we move from the more physical energy centres through the heart and into the upper triangle on consciousness. Using the Reflection and Self Study sheets, update the practices and tools (affirmations, crystals, essential oils), that resonated with you the most for the Root, Sacral, Navel and Heart. This is all part of building a balancing practice you can return to at the end our your study.

I invite you also to dive in a little deeper and spend a bit more time on a centre that seems to carry with it more illness, disEase, disharmony or pain. It’s time to uncover what’s holding you back and transform that energy with grace, ease and love. The audio recording below is the dialogue portion from our group practice if you wish to just do this exercise on its own.



Week 1
Your companion guide keeping you on track with weekly planning, contemplation and support
Chakra Study Companion Guide: Throat

A short article providing a glimpse into the different aspects of THROAT chakra - body, mind, spirit, consciousness
Understanding the Throat Chakra

Week 2
Pick an affirmation that resonates with you, or come up with your own - bring this into your practice and note it on your ‘coloring’ exercise.
Affirmations to Open the Throat Chakra

Return to the sounding practice to clear, purify, stimulate and harmonize the entire chakra systems
Experimenting With the Vibrations of Sounds

Week 3
Explore essential oils and crystals that resonate with the Throat energy centre. These are wonderful vibratory tools that can enhance your practice and open gateways to a higher dimension
Throat Chakra Essential Oils
Throat Chakra Crystals

Week 4
Here at week four take some time for overall reflection on the Throat Chakra. Using the Reflection and Self Study sheets, summarize the practices and tools (affirmations, crystals, essential oils), that resonated the most with you for this centre and add this to your personal practice.

Try a few of these journaling exercises to go a bit deeper - releasing another layer hidden in the subconscious
Journaling idea & exercises to clear and let go

Week 5
Round out your exploration of the Throat Chakra with this 10 minute lecture and meditation. In this final week take some time to blend the tools provided to create your own unique practice leveraging affirmations, crystals and oils!

How to Balance Your Throat Chakra - At a Glance

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How to Balance Your Throat Chakra

The Vishuddha chakra is the fifth energy centre located at the centre of the larynx at the base of the throat. It is the first of the three upper, subtle chakras. This energy centre governs communication, inspiration, and expression. Not only does it deal with communication with others, but also our internal communication with ourselves and our highest Selves. It bridges the heart and mind, integrating the wisdom of both.

In Sanskrit, Vishuddha means “especially pure”. To work with this chakra it is helpful to address the previous four chakras too. Balancing the first four chakras will increase your understanding and sensitivity which supports deeper connection with the more subtle upper chakras. This allows for a certain amount of purification which creates a clear foundation.

This chakra is associated with the element of Akasha (space) and the color blue. Spaciousness allows for divine truth to flow through with ease. On a physical level, the Vishuddha chakra is associated with the thyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx.

When the Vishuddha chakra is out of balance, we may ignore our inner voice and intuition. We may have trouble expressing ourselves; our needs, feelings, desires, boundaries or ideas. We may have trouble listening to others which also results in poor communication.

When in balance, we have more easeful and honest communication with ourselves and others. We are able to tune into the guidance of our highest Self and live in authentic expression. We are able to connect with our inner truth and communicate and live this truth each day.

We can balance the throat energy centre in so many different ways, but these are some places to start.




Week 1
The Brow Chakra, known as the Seat of Intuition, contains all the elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether—and yet it’s also beyond them. We’re now in the realm of light, offering us perception, intuition, and insight from our sixth sense. This is our individual centre of wisdom, consciousness, and higher consciousness, where we begin to understand that nothing is separate; we are truly one. It’s the highest energy centre in the physical body which allows guidance from a visionary perspective. This centre creates the opportunity for us to be more expansive in our thinking and awareness when it comes to polarities, paradox, and contradiction.

Your companion guide keeping you on track with weekly planning, contemplation and support
Chakra Study Companion Guide: Brow | 3rd Eye

A short article providing a glimpse into the different aspects of BROW chakra - also known as the 3rd Eye
Understanding the Brow Chakra

Week 2
Pick an affirmation that resonates with you, or come up with your own - bring this into your practice and note it on your ‘coloring’ exercise.
Affirmations to Illuminate the Brow Chakra

Try this third eye awakening ‘THOH’ chant (pronounced ‘TOE’). Inhale deeply - slowly chant THOH…. pause for a few seconds. Repeat the cycle 5 times daily.
Do this for 5 days consecutively.

Week 3
Explore essential oils and crystals that resonate with the Brow energy centre. These are wonderful vibratory tools that can enhance your practice and open gateways to a higher dimension
Brow Chakra Essential Oils
Brow Chakra Crystals

Week 4
Here at week four take some time for overall reflection on the Brow Chakra. Using the Reflection and Self Study sheets, summarize the practices and tools (affirmations, crystals, essential oils), that resonated the most with you for this centre and add this to your personal practice.

To round out this month’s practice enjoy this third eye guided meditation to activate the sixth energy centre.

How to Balance your Brow Chakra

The Ajna chakra is the sixth energy centre, located between the eyebrows at the centre of the head. This energy centre is one of the spiritual chakras & revolves around perception, intuition, wisdom, consciousness & psychic abilities. The third eye allows us to see & understand the inner + outer worlds. It helps us perceive a cosmic vision beyond just the physical world.

In Sanskrit, Ajna can be translated as “beyond wisdom,” “perceive” or “command.” This chakra is associated with the element of light & the colour indigo. On a physical level, the Ajna chakra is associated with the pineal gland, eyes, head & lower part of the brain.

When out of balance, we may not feel connected to our inner wisdom & intuition. We may be unwilling to look within & address our shadows. We may feel lost, stuck & mentally foggy or unfocused. We may be close-minded & unable to see the bigger picture beyond our opinions. We may experience eye strain, headaches, confusion, insomnia, dizziness & anxiety.

When in balance, we trust our inner wisdom, intuition & imagination. We see life with clarity & self-awareness. We are open to different perspectives & open to receive wisdom beyond our five senses.


module NINE: CROWN



Week 1
The Crown Chakra, known as Thousand Petals, gives us access to higher states of consciousness. Here’s what’s interesting: Although the Crown and Root are polar opposites, they work in sync to allow us to be spiritual beings in our bodies. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience,” the French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said. So, we aren’t floating in space above us; we are living in an embodied enlightened life through the present, eternal moment.

Chakra Study Companion Guide: Crown

Guru Gaitri Mantra
Mul Mantra
Spotify Chants

A short article providing a glimpse into the different aspects of CROWN chakra - also known as the thousand petal lotus
Understanding the Crown Chakra

Week 2
Pick an affirmation that resonates with you, or come up with your own - bring this into your practice and note it on your ‘coloring’ exercise.
Affirmations to Illuminate the Crown Chakra

Week 3
Explore essential oils and crystals that resonate with the Brow energy centre. These are wonderful vibratory tools that can enhance your practice and open gateways to a higher dimension
Crown Chakra Essential Oils
Crown Chakra Crystals

Week 4
Come home at last and enjoy this journey to the Akashic Records. Where things end and begin all at the same time.

Here at week four take some time for overall reflection on the Crown Chakra. Using the Reflection and Self Study sheets, summarize the practices and tools (affirmations, crystals, essential oils), that resonated the most with you for this centre and add this to your personal practice.

Pair any relaxation or meditation with this Crown Chakra Crystal Layout. In this layout, we are using Amethyst points, howlite, sugalite and black obsidian.

At this point you should have a customized routine for yourself - unique to your needs and supportive of your deeper journey.


module TEN: ATTUNE